
Sorry for the delay in posting, but I’ve been a little busy over here! But not the stressed-out-I-need-a-vacation kind of busy, but rather the I’m-too-busy-jam-packing-so-much-life-into-every-day kind of busy. Allow me to share!

The fun started Friday when my mom and I went to check out the Bodies Revealed exhibit at the Discovery Center. I’d already seen the bigger exhibit while we were in Las Vegas a couple years ago, but my mom had never seen it and I was excited to share it with her. Since we both work in the medical field it was definitely something we could both fully appreciate. Sadly, no pictures allowed.

From there we went to PF Chang’s, where we gorged ourselves on hot and sour soup, pork dumplings, chicken lettuce wraps, spring rolls, and wine at the bar. Then we wound up at this neat little bar downtown called Gone Rogue. We had a beer and listened to a local live band for a little while before moving on.

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The Treefort Music Festival was also going on this weekend, so we decided to go wandering and see if we could get into one of the bars where a band was playing. We got in pretty easily at Tom Grainey’s, where we were lucky enough to get to hear two really fantastic bands, Danger Beard and Jupiter Holiday. We danced until we were sweaty, and ultimately left after my mom got hit on pretty hard by a 25-ish year old hipster who insisted she teach him how to swing dance.


Saturday was Manetherin, the annual Belegarth event in Mountain Home. Turn out was kinda small, as it usual is, but everyone had a great time nonetheless. I got dressed up in my goblin attire and even did my hair in an extra monstery fashion, but I just wasn’t feeling the fighting. I never did take the field that day, but still had a great time hanging out and watching everyone.

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Also, is there anything more adorable than this baby in Mongolian furs?

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Sunday was our much-anticipated airsoft game, Objective: Reciprocity. It was another military simulation game, during which the two teams raced to “blow up” all of the “data hubs” before the other.


COBRA worked very well that day, and won the day by blowing all of the data hubs with 25 minutes of game play left to spare!


Teresa, our photographer, was kind enough to brave the field to take photos for us. She got a few great shots, despite the difficulties of everyone hiding well and also trying not to get shot. Check out this one… the only reason you can tell I’m there is that the black tip of my gun is sticking out. Camouflage for the WIN!


Sunday after the game everyone came back to our place to debrief and hang out. We watched Black Hawk Down (of course) and Shiann and I drank way too much wine.

Monday was a nice, lazy recovery day. I started the day off with a much-needed massage, and spent the rest of the day just hanging out and taking it easy. Dane, Harrison, and I finished the afternoon with some fabulous wood-fired pizza from Casanova.

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And now here I sit, with a cup of green tea, writing to you all and getting ready to actually get some necessary stuff done. My house is a mess – airsoft stuff is everywhere and beer bottles and glasses litter every surface from the living room to the kitchen. I haven’t done yoga in over a week, and haven’t cooked anything in almost as long. And I badly need to go grocery shopping. But I’m hardly complaining. These were just the kinds of days I needed.

I’m going to try really hard to have a recipe to share with you later this week. Until then… keep it real!


Here’s a look at the last couple of weeks… in an instagram.

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Last weekend we went bowling to celebrate my sister-in-law (and good friend!)’s recent graduation from college. I’ve always had a special fondness for the shoes.

photo (14)The night was super fun… there’s never a dull moment with these two around.

photo (20)We celebrated my birthday last Tuesday night since I had to work the night of my actual birthday, and I thought it would be a good excuse to try out the curling iron my mom recently bought me. I’m usually a terrible girl when it comes to my hair – flat ironing is about as crazy as I usually get – but I thought it turned out quite well!

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Coconut creme brulee from The Reef. Needless to say, it was divine.

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My BFF Sydney and I at dinner at The Reef. Can you believe we’ve been friends since the 5th grade?

photo (19)I did have to work the night of my birthday, but that didn’t stop me from going to breakfast with some friends! I had these amazing Hawaiian pancakes from The Egg Factory… stuffed with pineapple, coconut, and macadamia nuts and topped with warm coconut syrup… definitely a worthy indulgence.

Well, that’s a wrap for now! See you again soon!